
Friday, August 31, 2012

And so, a new semester begins

Somehow this blog has been vacant for almost three months. Been home for about 4 weeks now, finished 6 weeks of industrial training and one week in Bali. Overall it was a pretty busy holiday, but it's finally coming to an end.

Parents' copy of last semester's results arrived in the mail yesterday. As my hands trembled to open the letter, I kept on praying in silent. My heart has never beaten so fast in my entire life. I held my breath as I pulled out the thin paper, and that one moment, I nearly burst into tears.

One semester safe. All subjects passed. Although my GPA was horribly low, I didn't care. I had passed this semester, so I didn't need to retake any subjects. I was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, and it felt like a huge weight lifted from my shoulders.

Will be leaving home in two days' time, not wanting to go back so badly. This coming semester is gonna be another killer, since I need to retake Pharmacology II. But I made a solemn vow to work triple hard for it. I made it through one killer semester, I can do it again.

Hello September. Please be awesome.

