
Saturday, January 26, 2013


Was suppose to start on my Community Pharmacy Training report, but it's been idle for two days now as I camp endlessly in front of the computer replaying The Sims 3. Right now I just woke up and is waiting for time to pass before I head out to buy food. Been having insomnia for the past two nights, feeling tired but my brain won't let me sleep as it's continuously thinking and running weird thoughts in my head. And last night at 1a.m. it gave me this thought: to write a post about moisturisers.

So basically, a moisturiser is designed to moisturise your skin, as in giving in water and hydrating it. Every skin type needs some amount of moisture, yes even oily skin. Because your skin does not have enough moisture, it starts to secrete oil, or sebum, to act in place. Dry skin needs even more moisture, and since they can't secrete oil, your skin starts to flake and eventually peel off with the lack of moisture.

I have combination skin, which means my T-zone is hopelessly oily while the two sides of my cheeks are dry. I have used quite a few ranges of moisturises, from low-range to mid-range. So I will write about the few that I've used based on my own opinion, but do bear in mind that what's suitable for me but not be suitable for you as everyone's skin is different.

1. ZA Deep Hydrating Gel

You can easily get this at any Watsons or Guardian stores. They sell at RM37.90 if I'm not mistaken, but you can get it at a cheaper price during sales or discounts. This can be used as a normal moisturiser or sleeping mask, but I prefer to use it as the latter as it feels a bit oily after applying. For this price, it's considered rather okay; one drawback is that my face feels oily after awhile, maybe because I apply a really thick layer. But since I go to sleep after that, it's still okay. But I wouldn't use it during the day though. An oily face makes me feel disgusted. =.=

2. Nature Republic Aloe Vera Soothing Gel

My current favourite love! And it's bloody cheap too, only RM32.90 for a whooping 300ml! Total bargain right! I didn't really know about this brand until quite recently. I've known about the many benefits of aloe vera since I was young, as my mum used to cut off aloe vera straight from the plant, wrap it with plastic and put it in the fridge, then apply it directly on my face. =.= Nonetheless, that wasn't a very pleasant experience as it smelled weird and it was damn sticky. But this product totally isn't! According to the label, it's better to put it in the fridge and used chilled, and the cooling effect is a really nice feeling. Because of its huge volume, I use it every night as a sleeping mask before heading to bed. It absorbs really fast and after awhile you don't feel anything at all. So big love love love! You can also use it for your body, your hair (yes, hair too, but my hair is already on too much products so no thank you), after shave, and even before putting on make up. Go to their website and read about it, it has so many benefits I would need another post to list it all!

3. LANEÍGE Water Sleeping Pack

I don't think any introduction is necessary, right? This is one of the most famous products from this brand, and there's a reason it's constantly sold out. As the name states, this is a sleeping pack, so you only use it before going to sleep. Only a small amount is needed, and the effects are really great. You wake up with smooth skin in the morning and you can really feel the difference. It's priced at RM110 and you can get them from LANEÍGE counters at Parksons or any other major shopping mall. For it's price, it's a tad expensive, but because I don't go shopping that often, I usually buy it online from a really nice seller who gets her stock from Singapore, so it's slightly cheaper compared to counter prices. You don't need to use it every day, about 2 to 3 times a week is sufficient, so even though it's only 80ml, it can last you quite a long time. It comes in a very pretty box with a scoop, but I don't like to use it as it's troublesome. Just wash your hands before dipping your fingers into the bottle and it should be fine. Since I don't share my skin care products (ewwwww!), I don't mind using my fingers to apply it on my face. If you haven't tried it, I highly recommend you to.

4. Clinique Moisture Surge

Again, one of the mid-range products that's priced at over RM100. I'm not sure how much it costs at counters, but I got mine from the same LANEÍGE seller and already it costs RM110 for 50ml. I think there's a bigger size which is a limited edition, but I'm not very sure as I saw it a very long time ago. =.= But there's a reason it's so expensive: it's really awesome! You can use it both as a normal moisturiser and as a sleeping mask. I've tried both and you can really feel the difference. As mentioned earlier, I don't like products that make my face feel oily after applying, but this one totally doesn't. Just apply a thin layer and it's absorbed almost immediately. And the best part: you don't feel a thing! It's really hydrating and has a very faint smell that's not overpowering. Due to its price, I wouldn't recommend using it every day, but because only a small amount is needed each time, it can last a few months too. Mine finished a long time ago but I have yet to stock up, partly due to it's price and because I want to try other products too. But don't get me wrong, I will definitely repurchase it. After I work, perhaps? =P

So these are the four moisturisers I have personally used, and some brief comments on my opinions. You can try it for yourself with testers or asking for samples to find out which is your favourite and which suits your skin the best. Hada Labo is another brand I would like to try, but right now I'm on the lookout for a moisturising toner, probably from The Face Shop or Skinfood.

Might post about perfumes sometime, if I'm free or bored. Now, to freshen up and out to get food!


Thursday, January 17, 2013


Been home for about two weeks now, currently busy with my Community Pharmacy training which has to total up to 72 hours. Already finished 40 hours, which is 5 days since I'm working 8 hours a day. The boss went on vacation, so I'm getting 4 days off before continuing next Monday.

Not really doing much, just sitting behind the counter minding my own business. Sometimes customers will come and ask me for medication, if I know where it is I'll take it for them, if not I'll pass it to the boss' daughter to handle. She's very knowledgeable, always counseling customers on what to eat, how to eat, etc. One thing is that she doesn't like me very much, although I have no idea why. She doesn't talk to me much, and when she does it's usually only one or two sentences. And she has a very bad attitude towards me. Which makes me dislike her too. Hey, I'm here to learn from your father, not to see your face.

Have yet to start writing my daily log and reports, feeling so lazy as I camp in front of my computer everyday gaming. Finished Dishonored which was awesome, currently trying to finish Assassin's Creed 3. Damn you mission, Y U so hard?!

Anyways will be heading back to the awful place on 3rd February, as much as I hate it, I really hope it will be my final semester. Praying hard every night before I head to bed to pass all subjects and having no need to retake any papers. Please God, grant me my wish.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013



It's the beginning of a new year, the first blank page of another 365 page book. Write everyday well and make it an awesome one.

Happy New Year!

P/S: Having to cram notes on new year is not a good feeling. 3 more papers to go, 4 days to home.
