
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

4 Days and Counting

The best thing about April is of course that big day. The day that only comes once a year, but means so much more. The day that you turn a year older, and have to start to be wiser than you were before.

Coincidentally it falls on the same day as prom this year. I think I'm more nervous about prom than my big day. Honestly, I don't really want anything grand or special, even a simple dinner with close friends is enough. Sure, when you were younger you would have asked for a huge party with balloons and a huge cake and all your classmates; but somehow as you grow older you really start to feel that it's very much unnecessary. I'm not even looking forward to big dinner outings with fake people who only smile in front of you. I just need a few close friends beside me and it would be perfect.

4 days to go. Fingers crossed that everything will be perfect. =D

My wish for the past 2 years. I just want everything to go back to normal before they became so screwed up.


Sunday, April 14, 2013

How much is too much?

People need to start knowing about this rule. Seriously. Can't someone just be quiet and not talking without being judged?

Mentality is a funny thing. You get judged by every small matter just because other people have nothing better to do. It's really frustrating sometimes. But what can you do? Suck it up and keep your mouth shut. The more you protest or say anything, the more people have to say about you.

This is my life to live. I don't need your permission or your approval. Why don't you stop sticking your nose into my business and just try to live yours?


Friday, April 12, 2013

Tough times don't last; Tough people do

So you'd think that after mid-semester exams finish we could take a break and breathe. Nope, you have it wrong. Four assignments and one report pending, SPA interview and prom all piling up. A bit nervous about the interview, but just keep calm and everything should be fine. *fingers crossed*

So for this interview, our lecturer suggested that it would be better if everyone could wear the same dress code. So everyone just blankly decided on baju kurung, which is a traditional Malay wear. Honestly I'm not a huge fan - I wore it a couple of times during my National Service, and probably it's the cutting of the dress that makes you look extra fat. I've already had my mind set on formal clothes - white formal top, black knee-length skirt and kitten heels. So screw their plans, I'm dressing to make myself happy.

But no, someone had to have a say in it. So A said she could borrow some baju kurung-s to lend me for the interview. I declined, saying I'm not planning on wearing that. So she went to tell B, and B had to speak up her mind saying that because of the few people who don't want to cooperate, the interviewers will all hate us, that we were the black sheep of the flock and we are sabotaging everyone.

I was pissed off at this comment. Hell, why should I follow the norm? In case you'd forgotten, you also wanted to wear formal wear too, but when everyone was wearing baju kurung you just had to follow the trend. Suit yourself. It's to your liking - not mine. Wear whatever you like. I didn't comment on that. So why do you need to comment on what I'm gonna wear?

Pray that everything will be alright.

P/S: Two weeks to go. =P
