
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fat fat me~

 Outfit for the day~

Had 3 people tell me I looked anorexic today. WTH?! Am I seriously that thin? I think it's because of the T-shirt and skinny jeans. Everyone is telling me how I should eat more and stop dieting. But seriously, I have a fat tummy and flabby arms. I keep telling them that but they just don't seem to believe me.

I've been eating regularly and although my meal portions are pretty much the same, I find myself munching on snacks in between meals. Which equals to me eating a lot more than before, but still everyone thinks I'm anorexic and dieting.

Yes, my haemoglobin count might be a little low, but other than that I feel completely fine and healthy. So please stop telling me how I'm looking anorexic. Because I'm seriously not!!


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Embarrassing yet fruitful Tuesday~

Had an embarrassing moment in class today. I was reaching over the table when I accidentally knocked over my thermal flask and spilled tea everywhere. The worst part was that it spilled all over my assignment which meant I needed to recopy everything. FML. =/

However, there were happy moments too. My parcel finally arrived! *big yay to me* Bought 3 bags last week, wasn't expecting it so soon, but then, life can get pretty good sometimes. I know I'm suppose to be saving, but I've been thinking a lot about getting these bags that I finally decided to put my thoughts out of their misery. (And yes, I know it's just another excuse, but who cares?)


This the first bag which I'll be using to class. It's much smaller than what I anticipated, but it has a sling strap which would definitely make it easier for me to carry around, especially with so much stuff I have.


This is the second bag which I bought for casual use, mostly for outings and trips to the shopping mall. Another sling bag for convenient purposes, it's rather bigger than what I anticipated, but it's enough to carry all my mumbo-jumbo.


The last might be quite a shocker, but I've been wanting to get a backpack for sometime now. It's rather hard to find one that's the right size for girls without it looking too big which makes you look nerdy. Bought this one for my next trip to Langkawi (hopefully), and might even be using it for my Bali trip next year.

Still have a bunch of facial stuff to buy, going horribly broke when I should be saving up for the excessive travel soon. But somehow, buying stuff makes me happy and cheers me up when I'm sad. Don't call me a shopaholic though, I'm just misunderstood. xD


Monday, September 26, 2011

Rainy Monday

Woke up today to a rainy morning, for some reason felt a little down and moody.

I find myself getting quieter day by day. Don't ask me why, but I just don't feel like talking. Yeah, must be my anti-socialness, but I realise that once you're used to being alone, it's not really that bad after all.

Mid-semester exams are in two weeks, notes are still untouched and still not paying a lot of attention in class. Seriously lacking concentration and motivation as always.

I promised myself to do better this semester as I'm tired of being looked down by people. I'll prove that I'm not just another party girl who's all play and no work. I can be better and stronger, so you bitches better watch out.

I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise
To fly, to fly~

- Nicki Minaj Featuring Rihanna, "Fly"


Sunday, September 25, 2011

A fresh new start~

A few months ago I decided to delete my old blog and be done with it. It hadn't been updated in more than a year and truthfully, I just lost interest in continuing.

Then for this past week I've been stalking reading a few blogs that sparked a small flame in me to start writing again.

Not really sure how long this blog will last before it's forgotten again, but right now I'm having an idea of turning this into a picture blog to help capture the little moments in my life that I'd like to remember.

Cheers. =)
