
Sunday, October 28, 2012


It's 12.45a.m. and I'm still in front of my laptop. Trying really hard to study, but my eyelids are feeling very sleepy they can close any minute. Have to force myself to stay awake and continue cramming all the notes, but somehow it seems to be an impossible task.

The whole study week was almost wasted. I tried really hard to study, but I'm seriously lacking concentration. Five minutes of staring at notes and then I'm back to playing my series. Half hour naps would turn into 2 hours. I keep telling myself that I need to focus, but it's not working at all.

Sigh. Back to more cramming before I hit the sack. Hopefully I can focus for another hour. God please help me.


Saturday, October 20, 2012


Less than 2 weeks before October ends. How time really flies.

Today marks the beginning of study week, and while people only need to cram 5 subjects, I have 6. Moreover, two subjects fall on the same day at the same time. Haven't talked to the lecturers on how I'm gonna settle this, I think I'm gonna be pretty screwed.

Just gonna focus on studying right now, anything and everything else can wait. But somehow I'm losing concentration very easily these days. My mind can't seem to remember anything I read. I find myself staring at the lecture notes but nothing is going in. Seriously, FML.

P/S: I miss our conversations. But we can never go back to the way before. Just so you know, I still miss you.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hello October

So September has ended, and we bid farewell to yet another month. September can be summarised as totally horrible, as so many things went wrong in the worst possible direction. As we welcome a new month, I can only pray that it will be much better.

A lot of people around me seem to be coupling up or have someone special in their life. And here I am, 22 and still single. What's funny is that everyone seems to keep wanting me to find a partner too. I don't get why. I'm happy with my current life, and yes, I do get jealous and lonely sometimes watching others so happy with their relationships, but I don't wanna be the person that finds someone just out of loneliness. I believe that a relationship based on that will never work. There'll be someone out there who's perfect for you; all you gotta do is wait.

Mid semester exams coming real soon, and studies are not progressing much since there's just so much stuff to do. There are some things that I'm really doubting at the moment, and I'm really unsure what I wanna do. *sigh*


Here's to a better and awesome month. Please be good to me.

P/S: I miss talking to you like the way we did before.
