
Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Tomorrow is the last day of February, and it has been a rather horrible month for me. Everything that could possibly go wrong did, and the people whom you trusted and looked up to all turned out to be liars. Finding out that secret was a huge blow to me, and I don't know how to react. I don't know who to talk to, who to confide in, how to feel. How are you suppose to feel in such situations? It's not like there's a book you can grab from bookstore shelves that teach you how to manage your feelings when you're in such a situation.

Internet was down for almost a week, made so many phone calls my phone bill is through the roof. It was finally fixed today and it was a sigh of relief. It was annoying not being able to download all your favourite series, and have the same people complaining to you day in and day out about the internet. All you people know how to do is complain and nag. I don't see you try to help. And when it's fixed, I don't even get a thank you. How selfish and self-centered can you people be?

It's the fourth week of lectures and it's coming to an end soon. As usual, have yet to start studying when there are so many crazy things around me that have yet to be done. Promised myself I will work triple hard this final semester if I passed all subjects in the last semester, and I will honour that promise. Mum, I will make you proud.

Prom is coming soon and although nothing has been finalised, I'm still uninspired by what I'm going to wear. Hope to find a nice, cheap long dress, but everything I've seen so far either doesn't suit me or is not to my liking. Am I being too picky? I hate to think so, but you really want to look your best for your final university prom. And it seems they want to have it earlier this year, which kinda ruins my plans. Oh well, things in life never go as you plan; you just have to deal with the curveballs and dive in head-on.

Period is late and my hormones are going crazy. Been moody for a few days especially having to deal with all the craziness. February has not been kind to me. I'm just gonna have to pray that March will be much better.



Monday, February 4, 2013


First day of class and everything turned out to be alright. Had classes in the morning - a briefing about Community Pharmacy Training, SPA interview and PRP stuff. Then had a brief class on GMP and Pharmacoepidemiology. Both boring as usual but I was too busy with my mobile data to pay attention. =P

This semester has 7 subjects, with the elective choice of Pharmacoeconomics and Alternative Medicine. Had my mind set on Alternative Medicine, but after hearing so many opinions on how difficult the subject is, I'm having doubts. Both will be killer subjects, it's just a matter of which one to die less.

Accompanied my friend to the bank, went shopping for groceries and had lunch. Then it was off to collect the dreaded results. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it would pound out of my chest. I had a very bad feeling but I forced myself not to think about it. As the guy handed me the results, I thought I would vomit. Then I flipped over the thin sheet of paper, and my heart fell to the ground.

All passed. Two Cs, but who cares. The two subjects I dreaded the most - both safe. Thank you God for hearing my prayers. I promise, this semester I will work extra hard. I will not let myself fall into the same position again.

Managed to get the internet fixed, so everything is finally looking better. Here's to the final semester of this course. God, please make it awesome.

