
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Countdown to the new year

It's the new year in another 33 minutes. Not planning to do a look-back this year as there are just too many sad memories. Right now I'm just hoping that 2012 will be a better year.

Happy 2012 to everyone. =)


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Wish me luck

Finals for this semester are starting tomorrow. In exactly 12 hours. Wish me luck. I think I need lots of it. =S


Tuesday, November 22, 2011


It's hard to pretend you love someone when you don't, but it's harder to pretend that you don't love someone when you really do.


Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday blues

It's Monday again. Feeling rather down and moody today.

Blame it on Monday blues. =(


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Tell me how to forget


I'm a stubborn person. Or should I say, I value my ego too much to give in easily. A lot of times I refuse to back down from something because I don't like the feeling of losing.

I'm an emotional person, but don't expect me to cry in front of others. I try my best to show my strong side when I'm out in public because I don't want people to know my weakness. Why should they know so much about you? It'll only give them the advantage of knowing your weak points and use it against you.

Been feeling rather stressed lately ever since I got the phone call from home yesterday. This year has truly been tough. So many things happened in such a short time that I'm barely able to catch my breath while trying to face them. Times are hard now, and I know it'll only get harder.

Had a rather serious heart-to-heart talk with a friend yesterday night, and somehow I feel I'm blessed to have good friends around me who I know will back me up during these hard times. Again, as predicted, I woke up in the middle of the night and started to cry. I guess when you have too much emotion build up inside, it's just a matter of time before it blows out of proportion like a balloon that's being pumped with too much air. It feels good to cry, letting all the emotions and anger release from inside you and then falling back to sleep, exhausted from the sobbing.

I'd really like to forget you. So please tell me how.


Monday, October 31, 2011


Travelled for almost 12 hours today, physically and mentally tired at the moment. Just a quick post to rant. =(

Flight from Kuching to KL - 90 minutes
Bus ride from LCCT to Puduraya - 75 minutes
Waiting at Puduraya - 120 minutes
Bus ride from KL to Sungai Petani - 300 minutes

Total travel time = 585 minutes++ (That translates to almost 10 hours)

Suffered from insomnia last night, barely slept for 3 hours before beginning my day at 7.30a.m. And to imagine I reached here at 10.30p.m.

Still have assignments to be completed. And still suffering from after effects of gastric pain. I should have eaten McD for lunch. Punishment for my laziness to walk. =(

P/S: Why Monday, why?!


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Samsung Galaxy Note


Accidentally stumbled upon this phone one day while surfing the net. I was immediately smitten by it, especially the amazingly huge screen and the S-Pen. Another feature I just simply adore about this phone is the S-Planner and S-Memo.


I really like how you can freely draw and scribble on this phone much like a regular notebook. It gives the user the freedom of writing down whatever they want as they would on a piece of paper. This would definitely make it useful for me to scribble randomly take down notes without typing so ever frantically.

Pre-orders for the phone have already started at Lowyat forum, damn how I wish I could join in and get my hands on it. =( But I don't think it's possible to get it this year since I need to save up money for so many more upcoming outings and birthday celebrations. =S And maybe not even next year since there's a Bali trip coming up.

Went home for a week for the Deepavali holidays, two more days at home before heading back this Sunday. So far not even one word of assignment written or typed. =S Somebody save me.


Friday, October 14, 2011



We are like dominoes. I fall for you. You fall for another.


Monday, October 3, 2011

Invictus. Unconquered.

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

- 'Invictus', William Ernest Henley


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Study week =(

Second day of study week. Managed to do a lot of light reading, but nothing seems to be going into my mind. My concentration is always interrupted by my laptop and food. It's gonna be another long, boring week. =(

Accidentally stumbled upon this pair of heels and I'm immediately in love. But it costs RM135, which is kinda expensive since I'm trying to save. Ohh I wanna be a billionaire, so freaking bad~

Back to studies. Pray for me. =(


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fat fat me~

 Outfit for the day~

Had 3 people tell me I looked anorexic today. WTH?! Am I seriously that thin? I think it's because of the T-shirt and skinny jeans. Everyone is telling me how I should eat more and stop dieting. But seriously, I have a fat tummy and flabby arms. I keep telling them that but they just don't seem to believe me.

I've been eating regularly and although my meal portions are pretty much the same, I find myself munching on snacks in between meals. Which equals to me eating a lot more than before, but still everyone thinks I'm anorexic and dieting.

Yes, my haemoglobin count might be a little low, but other than that I feel completely fine and healthy. So please stop telling me how I'm looking anorexic. Because I'm seriously not!!


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Embarrassing yet fruitful Tuesday~

Had an embarrassing moment in class today. I was reaching over the table when I accidentally knocked over my thermal flask and spilled tea everywhere. The worst part was that it spilled all over my assignment which meant I needed to recopy everything. FML. =/

However, there were happy moments too. My parcel finally arrived! *big yay to me* Bought 3 bags last week, wasn't expecting it so soon, but then, life can get pretty good sometimes. I know I'm suppose to be saving, but I've been thinking a lot about getting these bags that I finally decided to put my thoughts out of their misery. (And yes, I know it's just another excuse, but who cares?)


This the first bag which I'll be using to class. It's much smaller than what I anticipated, but it has a sling strap which would definitely make it easier for me to carry around, especially with so much stuff I have.


This is the second bag which I bought for casual use, mostly for outings and trips to the shopping mall. Another sling bag for convenient purposes, it's rather bigger than what I anticipated, but it's enough to carry all my mumbo-jumbo.


The last might be quite a shocker, but I've been wanting to get a backpack for sometime now. It's rather hard to find one that's the right size for girls without it looking too big which makes you look nerdy. Bought this one for my next trip to Langkawi (hopefully), and might even be using it for my Bali trip next year.

Still have a bunch of facial stuff to buy, going horribly broke when I should be saving up for the excessive travel soon. But somehow, buying stuff makes me happy and cheers me up when I'm sad. Don't call me a shopaholic though, I'm just misunderstood. xD


Monday, September 26, 2011

Rainy Monday

Woke up today to a rainy morning, for some reason felt a little down and moody.

I find myself getting quieter day by day. Don't ask me why, but I just don't feel like talking. Yeah, must be my anti-socialness, but I realise that once you're used to being alone, it's not really that bad after all.

Mid-semester exams are in two weeks, notes are still untouched and still not paying a lot of attention in class. Seriously lacking concentration and motivation as always.

I promised myself to do better this semester as I'm tired of being looked down by people. I'll prove that I'm not just another party girl who's all play and no work. I can be better and stronger, so you bitches better watch out.

I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise
To fly, to fly~

- Nicki Minaj Featuring Rihanna, "Fly"


Sunday, September 25, 2011

A fresh new start~

A few months ago I decided to delete my old blog and be done with it. It hadn't been updated in more than a year and truthfully, I just lost interest in continuing.

Then for this past week I've been stalking reading a few blogs that sparked a small flame in me to start writing again.

Not really sure how long this blog will last before it's forgotten again, but right now I'm having an idea of turning this into a picture blog to help capture the little moments in my life that I'd like to remember.

Cheers. =)
