
Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Went to watch The Avengers just now with the usual gang, enjoyed the movie to the max. Absolutely loved Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, his sarcastic dialogues never fail to make me smile. Chris Evans is totally hot too, and I did manage to develop a liking to Hawkeye at the end. Maybe because of his bow and arrow. Reminds me of old times during high school. *sigh*

Now we're at the position where we're avoiding each other, even on Facebook. Today I found her online quite frequently, so I decided to make myself less miserable by not logging into Facebook so often. But then whenever a notification for Facebook message pops up on my phone, a tiny part of me wished it was him. Yeah I know, but what to do - I guess I'm just a sucker for love. Or maybe just him. =S

Yesterday someone asked me about both of them, whether or not they've already started a relationship. I honestly don't know - we don't talk about these things. Or at least, he doesn't talk to me about it. Of course, why would he? The girl who had a crush on him that he just treats as a little sister? Yeah right.

Having 8a.m. class later, and yet I'm still online at this moment. Been thinking a lot about my life lately. Amber Riley's voice is playing in my earphones now, "Sometimes I wonder, where I've been? Who I am? Do I fit in?" Have a sudden urge to cry, but I tell myself I can't.

After everything that's happened, the one thing I cannot give you is forgiveness. Just so you know, not every 'sorry' deserves forgiveness. Especially if it's from you.

I'm just not gonna care anymore.


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