
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Wake Me Up When September Ends

I don't like Septembers. It's always the month where everything seems to be going horribly wrong, where everything you thought to mean the world just turns out to be another joke, and the people you thought were your forever just turns out to be a lie.

I'm scared of my phone ringing. Everytime I hear that familiar ringtone, my heart skips a beat. With shaking hands, I had a tiny hope that it would be you. But time and time again it's just another disappointment. I guess I have to face the truth that your name will never appear again.

It's amazing how someone can break your heart, yet you still love them with all the million pieces. Every bit of my feelings were true. I'm sorry that you couldn't feel the same.


Friday, September 14, 2012

Hello, Hi, Goodbye

So the title is a song from Rita Ora's album, and somehow it just hit me right in the heart. It's not very often a song can impact me so much. Most of the time it's just a part of the song, or even just a single line. But this was different. It just felt as if the song was about my story, about me and him, about everything that was and could have been.

He came into my life unexpectedly. He was the light at the end of the tunnel; the breath of air after coming out from the water; the shoulder that I could lean on. Everything felt so right, but just two seconds later, everything crumbled into a million pieces.

We always knew we could never be each other's happy ever after. We had just stumbled upon each other and clicked. We were like old friends that met again after a very long time. We could talk for ages about anything, and countless nights were spent texting until I fell asleep. He was the last person I said good night to, and every morning I would wake up to his good morning.

For that very brief moment, everything was perfect.

But nothing lasts forever. Especially something over long distances.

Right now, we would walk past each other as if we were strangers. We hardly say a word to each other, no more texting, no more chatting. It was as if nothing ever happened, and it was all a dream.

I don't understand how you can just turn around and walk away like that. Everything we talked about, I thought it was a promise. But it turns out to be empty words spoken to fill your equally empty soul.

I really thought we could work. I guess I was wrong. Still, thank you for once being there for me. And just so you know, I still hope we could go back to the way it was.

I miss you.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012


It's 12a.m. and here I am, blogging. I thought my insomnia will be better once I get back to the study life, but it seems I was wrong. Still having trouble sleeping, had to toss and turn for almost an hour before I finally fell asleep.

Lectures have started, and this semester is gonna be really busy, since we're having clinical pharmacy training both in-campus and at the hospital. Which means every afternoon will be spent on learning how to talk to patients. With my horrible people skills and anti-socialness, I'm wondering how I can achieve that. *sigh*

I'm seriously starting to doubt my passion at the moment. I'm really not interested in this kind of life. But I didn't choose this life; this life chose me. And now that I'm so near to the end, giving up doesn't seem like an option at all. Especially with so many people waiting to see how I end up. I guess what I can do is stay focused, and keep my thoughts straight and clear.

P/S: I don't know why some people can be such assholes. One day they treat you like gold, then the next they can dismiss you as if you don't matter at all. Right now, I don't know what to think anymore. Maybe I should just give up this relationship. If it's a relationship at all. I guess we're just not meant to be together. We'll never be each other's happy ever after; we were just two lonely people whose lines crossed from a very cruel joke.

For my studies. I will prove that I can.


Sunday, September 2, 2012


So I'm finally back in this wretched place. Reality has already started to sink in, and it's yet another killer semester that I'm gonna face. Every time I'm back in this place I feel like I don't belong at all. It's like I'm a Martian that has landed on Earth, and everything around me feels so completely unknown.

I had wanted to let go of this life. To put down everything, turn around and just walk away. I never wanted this life. This isn't me. Sitting at the table and crazily forcing walls after walls of text into my brain. I don't like this life, whereby everything is so exam-orientated, that even the slightest failure will make people think twice about your intelligence.

I don't talk to people often. Yes, I admit I'm anti-social. Yes, I admit I'm socially awkward around large crowds of people. I don't have good people skills. I keep everything to myself, and rarely I let someone into my life.

But I'm loyal. If I treat you as a friend, I will try my very best to be a friend. I won't talk about you behind your back; I won't backstab you; I won't treat you like royalty when I need you and treat you like shit when I don't.

No, I'm not that kind of person. It's not how I was born and raised.

But you people are the same kind of fucked up shit. You treat me like a close buddy when you need me. When you don't, you turn your back on me and act as if you don't know me at all. When you find a new friend, you forgot your old ones, those who helped you previously.

I hope karma fucks you the same way you fucked with me. I ain't gonna be a nice girl anymore. No way. Watch out dirt, the bitch is coming.
