
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A lookback at 2013

It's the last day of 2013 and here I am, sitting in front of my laptop typing this post instead of out somewhere getting drunk and screaming on top of my lungs at a new year's countdown. I guess that's what you get when you work an 8-to-5 job that sucks the life out of you. Not that I mind as the pay is decent, so no complains there.

This year has been full of ups and downs, more of the latter to be honest. The bad luck that befell us two years back has yet to be fully lifted and our lives are still in a struggle. Hopefully as I start working things will start to get better. Fingers crossed.

So this the year that I finally finished my 5 years of studies and got my degree. Being able to graduate from university was probably one of the happiest moments of my life as I am able to bid farewell to that chapter and begin the journey on a new one. Having experienced a totally different life has really opened my eyes to the other side of the world. Although sometimes I do miss the simpler life of a student, life has to go on and keep moving forward.

Growing up is a natural part of life and everyone has to experience new changes every once in a while. As my life progresses into the new chapter, I can only wish for things to get better and finally take a turn for the good.

May 2014 be a better year. Happy New Year.


Friday, November 22, 2013

DMC Deep Cleansing Mask

So my last post reviewed éPure, which I don't love crazily as much as I hoped to. Instead, I found another jelly mask which is my current addiction: DoMeCare (DMC) Deep Cleansing Mask.


This is also a Taiwanese product, and comes in 2 sizes: 225gm and 500gm. It comes packaged in a box and also has a spatula for easy application. The jelly is black in colour and has the texture much like a pudding which I may mistakenly eat one day when drunk. It has a faint flowery smell which is not overpowering at all, and is much easier to apply compared to éPure.

This is the old packaging, which has since changed to the new one as shown in the first picture. 
One of its ingredients is bamboo charcoal, which is an excellent absorbent. It functions to absorb the impurities from your skin, thus deep cleansing it. Its usage is similar to éPure: apply a thickness of about 0.3cm to 0.5cm, leave it on for 30 minutes, scrap off the jelly and wash off the excess. What's different from éPure is that although this is a deep cleansing mask, its all-natural ingredients makes it absolutely safe for everyday use. Yes, EVERYDAY. Even people with sensitive skin can use it (but of course with caution).

For me, I still use it once a week, mainly because I use it before using a blackhead nose pore pack. It's very effective (for me anyways), as I can see all the resistant blackheads on my nose pop up like mushrooms after rain. So I will apply the mask before I bathe, then wash my face and use a piece of nose pore pack. Wait for the pore pack to dry, and tear it off - BAM! I can see tons of impurities stuck onto the pore pack which brings me a sense of achievement. After that I apply toner and pore tightening essence as the usual regime.

Even if I use it four days apart, every time the pore pack comes off there will be tons of impurities stuck there. Previously, even when I use the pore pack once a week, sometimes nothing will be removed and my strawberry nose will be the same as usual.

Now however, I can slowly see the pores reducing, and my nose even feels smooth when touching. So sorry éPure, although I do like you, but this new baby is my new love.


Saturday, November 2, 2013

éPure Membranous Jelly Masque

Went out to buy food for later, and had actually planned to stop by KFC to try out their new Crazy Crunch menu, but the rain spoiled everything. So here I am, sitting in front of my laptop sulking as I try out the all-popular éPure Membranous Jelly Masque.

It seems to be the new hype these days. Bloggers and celebrities are using this product and showing them off left and right. I was very tempted to try it too as it boasts so many functions which suit my needs. After careful consideration, I finally decided to let myself splurge a bit. But really it's to tame my shopaholic cravings as I impatiently await my posting letter to start work.

Anyhow, this product is unique due to its one-of-a-kind ACF (Active Cellular Factor). It contains many ingredients to help boost the hyaluronic acid content in your skin - the main component which helps to keep your skin moisturized. It also aims to brighten your skin, reduce blackheads and clogged pores, lighten scars and hydrate the skin.

This product comes in two packagings: boxed and jar. One box contains 6 individual packets at 30g each while the jar is 250ml. It also comes with a spatula to help apply the gel onto your skin. The gel itself is light yellow and smells lightly of medicine. It's rather thick texture makes it quite difficult to apply, and each time you need to apply a minimum of 0.3cm thickness to achieve the best results. Just apply and leave it on for about 30 to 40 minutes, then scrap off using the spatula before washing your face and continuing with your usual facial care.

Personally I find my skin rather dry after washing, which I find it weird because it's supposed to hydrate your skin. So I will apply my moisturizer or sleeping mask after using just to ensure my cheeks don't go too dry. I don't see a drastic change in my skin tone either, though it does look less dull after using. As for reducing blackheads and clogged pores, well, it remains to be seen.

All in all, it's a very useful mask if you don't have time for facials or are looking for a product which hopes to satisfy all your facial needs. The product itself is quite pricey, so it might make you hesitate a little. I personally don't love it as much as everyone else, but I will continue to use it a few more times to see the results. Fingers crossed!


Friday, October 18, 2013

Haunting Nightmares

Almost 5 months of no updates. It's just so hard to think of something to write nowadays. So many things are happening all at the same time. And not all of them happy memories.

Just when I thought that this life couldn't get any worse, the exact opposite happens. Things are worse now than they were before. They escalate from A to B in just a snap. A blink of an eye. It's as if I closed my eyes for one second, and the next everything is different.

I want to walk away from all of this. Perhaps one day I will finally get my freedom. Perhaps one day I will finally be able to put this behind.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Product Review: SkinFood

Sorry there hasn't been much updates for almost a month. Prom was crazy, had tons of pending assignments and reports, went for viva with a blank mind, and now it's study week. The finals of finals. Five years of shit and everything comes down to this. I keep reminding myself to start studying hard, because this is the final obstacle and it's what's standing between me and freedom. But as usual, procrastination is working hard and progress is very slow. Since all the current series have ended, there's nothing much to watch so I'm resorting back to older series. Which lead me to the Canadian series Lost Girl, about supernatural beings and oh-so-hot naked guys all that interesting stuff. Progress on that is much faster than studies. What kind of life is this? =/

So anyways, today I thought I'd write about some product reviews. This issue is on SkinFood, a korean skincare line which I've known since five years ago. I started off using their wash-off masks, which honestly is just sort of okay-okay for me. But one of my favourite products from them would definitely be their Peach Sake Pore Serum.

1. Peach Sake Pore Serum

If you have oily or combination-to-oily skin, and are looking for something to help control sebum during the day, I would highly recommend this product. It comes in a glass bottle of 45ml, but don't underestimate it as it can last for a really long time. The previous bottle I bought lasted me 3 years. =/ Maybe because I stopped using it at one point, because I was lazy and kinda forgot of its existence. LOL. Anyways, I apply a small amount to my T-zone in the morning, which can get very oily very fast, and by the evening I can hardly feel any oiliness. So far this is the only product I've used from the whole range, but from what I know the whole range is suitable for sebum control. But if you don't have the money to spend on the entire range, just this bottle is very much sufficient.

2. Black Sugar Mask

This is a wash-off mask which works much like a scrub. I bought it a few years back but after it finished I didn't purchase it again as I'm currently more attached to The Body Shop's Deep Cleansing Mask. For me this scrub feels a bit hard as the particles are rather big-sized, and honestly I don't feel much difference after using. I bought it after I saw their poster on how it can reduce blackheads and minimize pores, but honestly I feel that The Body Shop's works much better.

3. Black Sesame Hot Mask

This is another mask which I adore very much. It feels a bit sticky and might smell funky to those who are not used to it, but I find that it works rather well. After applying to your face, in gets warm after a few minutes, which is supposingly to help open up pores. I use this before doing my weekly scrub or using pore strips, which does help to remove the impurities a little better. But I don't particularly like the sticky feel, but it does wash off easily with water.

4. Green Tea Milk Cleansing Cream (Fresh)

I was browsing through the shop when the salesgirl asked me, "Do you use makeup removers?" Of course I replied no, as I wasn't the type who uses makeup on a daily basis because I just can't stand putting so much stuff on my face. But then she told me makeup removers are not only for removing makeup, but can help remove impurities too. I was skeptical, but she introduced me to this product which is a gentle cleansing cream that can double as a makeup remover. It has a subtle green tea smell, and comes in a bottle or tube. I chose the tube one as I figured it would be easier to use, but of course the bottled one will be more hygienic. I use it before using my facial cleanser; do note that this cannot replace your normal cleanser as it does not form bubbles. It just acts to remove impurities better, but you still need to follow up with your normal cleanser for a better effect.

5. Papaya Yogurt Mask

My cheeks has been feeling very dry lately, which makes it very annoying because my T-zone is oily like nobody's business while the sides are flaky. Sigh. My Nature Republic Aloe Vera Gel doesn't seem to be working as much as before, which I don't know why. Maybe my skin is getting used to it? Anyhow, even after applying a thick layer, my skin still feels dry the next day and sometimes it gets itchy. So I have resorted to purchasing another cream, and also hopefully get a moisturising wash-off mask. Which is when I came across this particular one. I was torn between this and the Kiwi Yoghurt one, but I ended up taking this as I fear the sebum-control of the Kiwi Yoghurt will make it worse. The texture is rather runny, and it has small green beads which I'm not very sure what it is. It doesn't smell much of papaya, but it does smell like yoghurt mixed with antibiotics. =/ At least it's not too strong and overpowering. It just arrived today so I'll be using it later, hopefully it helps with moisturising and making my dry skin better.

So these are just some of the products I've used before, will review more if I ever purchase any new products in the future. Might do a review on The Face Shop and/or Nature Republic in the future. *wink* In the mean time, back to facing notes and fighting for the final semester!


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

4 Days and Counting

The best thing about April is of course that big day. The day that only comes once a year, but means so much more. The day that you turn a year older, and have to start to be wiser than you were before.

Coincidentally it falls on the same day as prom this year. I think I'm more nervous about prom than my big day. Honestly, I don't really want anything grand or special, even a simple dinner with close friends is enough. Sure, when you were younger you would have asked for a huge party with balloons and a huge cake and all your classmates; but somehow as you grow older you really start to feel that it's very much unnecessary. I'm not even looking forward to big dinner outings with fake people who only smile in front of you. I just need a few close friends beside me and it would be perfect.

4 days to go. Fingers crossed that everything will be perfect. =D

My wish for the past 2 years. I just want everything to go back to normal before they became so screwed up.


Sunday, April 14, 2013

How much is too much?

People need to start knowing about this rule. Seriously. Can't someone just be quiet and not talking without being judged?

Mentality is a funny thing. You get judged by every small matter just because other people have nothing better to do. It's really frustrating sometimes. But what can you do? Suck it up and keep your mouth shut. The more you protest or say anything, the more people have to say about you.

This is my life to live. I don't need your permission or your approval. Why don't you stop sticking your nose into my business and just try to live yours?


Friday, April 12, 2013

Tough times don't last; Tough people do

So you'd think that after mid-semester exams finish we could take a break and breathe. Nope, you have it wrong. Four assignments and one report pending, SPA interview and prom all piling up. A bit nervous about the interview, but just keep calm and everything should be fine. *fingers crossed*

So for this interview, our lecturer suggested that it would be better if everyone could wear the same dress code. So everyone just blankly decided on baju kurung, which is a traditional Malay wear. Honestly I'm not a huge fan - I wore it a couple of times during my National Service, and probably it's the cutting of the dress that makes you look extra fat. I've already had my mind set on formal clothes - white formal top, black knee-length skirt and kitten heels. So screw their plans, I'm dressing to make myself happy.

But no, someone had to have a say in it. So A said she could borrow some baju kurung-s to lend me for the interview. I declined, saying I'm not planning on wearing that. So she went to tell B, and B had to speak up her mind saying that because of the few people who don't want to cooperate, the interviewers will all hate us, that we were the black sheep of the flock and we are sabotaging everyone.

I was pissed off at this comment. Hell, why should I follow the norm? In case you'd forgotten, you also wanted to wear formal wear too, but when everyone was wearing baju kurung you just had to follow the trend. Suit yourself. It's to your liking - not mine. Wear whatever you like. I didn't comment on that. So why do you need to comment on what I'm gonna wear?

Pray that everything will be alright.

P/S: Two weeks to go. =P


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Study Week

Yes, it's study week again. Actually it already started since last Saturday, but every single day feels more like relax and procrastinate day more than studying. Adding on to that with the crazy hot weather, I'm feeling slightly sick and have been downing water like no one's business. I miss home.

Domino's opened last Thursday and dragged some friends along to try it out. Their service was good, with more polite staff than other pizzerias. Somehow the pizzas tasted better too, and I feel that they have a wider selection with better toppings. Though I still miss Pizza Hut's spicy chicken fingers and honey BBQ wings. Actually told myself to stop eating pizzas this semester, since I suspect that all the weight gained last semester was from eating too much pizza. But then Domino's had to open, so WTF right? LOL.

Entering into the sixth day of study week, procrastination has to stop but it seems endless. Everything else just seems more interesting than studying. Oh exams, please be kind to me.

Oh, how I wish I could do this every day.


Friday, March 15, 2013


The weather's so hot right now I'm having a headache. But I can't sleep yet because I have to wait for some friends to online to discuss our hospital training stuff. My head is pounding and I don't feel very well, especially with the nose block and sore throat. Someone kill me please.

Yesterday we had to make up our mind on which hospital we would like to go to for the 5-week training after finals. Of course everyone wanted the closest one which is about 5 minutes drive. Being the bigger person, we decided to go to Hospital Alor Setar. We were all okay with carpooling every day, but if it got too tiring then we would rent a house there. Which I dreaded because it would be so troublesome. Especially when there's no internet. But then some people had to make our lives miserable and steal our spots, so we ended up going to Hospital Kulim. Right now the people who are going to the hospital are all pretty nice ones, so it should be a fun experience. *prays*

Been pretty active in Whatsapp lately, but sometimes I really don't feel like replying the messages there. I thought I had let it go, but whenever the ringtone comes up I still have a dreaded feeling. Trying to look past all of it, but sometimes I really do miss talking to him.

I think I'm gonna head to bed early, have dimsum plan in the morning and also need to send my printer for fixing. More money needed, FML.



Friday, March 8, 2013


It's funny to see how some people make up stories and lie to your face when you've already known the truth. It's funny to see how they try to cover up their own lies by spinning some crazy excuse and story as if you're dumb. It's really funny.

You know, I try to be the nice girl, the bigger person, the better one. I ignore your sloppiness, your laziness, your dirtiness, your bitchy-ness, and all your imperfections. I don't say anything, not because I don't care, but because I don't want to bother myself with these petty things. Another five months and I won't see your fake face ever again. I'm starting to count down the days.



Monday, March 4, 2013


I'm not the type of person who complains about the little things. I can forgive and forget, and pretend like nothing's wrong. I can smile and laugh even after you've betrayed me. Yes, I'm that type of person. Call me stupid, call me naive, call me what you want. I'm just me.

But after all that, don't expect me to trust you again. I can still treat you like a friend, but I won't trust you. So don't call me cold if I don't talk to you anymore. I only talk to people who matters to me. People who treat me as friends and who show sincerity. You? You're just another piece of shit.

You can have outings with my friends, talk about whatever shit you want about me behind my back, backstab me yet smile your fuckingly fake smile in front of me. I don't care. I don't mind, and you don't matter. That's why people call it 'mind over matter'.

You are not a part of my life, and I don't need you. You wanna be fake with me? Sure, I can do the same. You think you're the only one who can fake a smile? Please, bitch. You're not even close.



Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Tomorrow is the last day of February, and it has been a rather horrible month for me. Everything that could possibly go wrong did, and the people whom you trusted and looked up to all turned out to be liars. Finding out that secret was a huge blow to me, and I don't know how to react. I don't know who to talk to, who to confide in, how to feel. How are you suppose to feel in such situations? It's not like there's a book you can grab from bookstore shelves that teach you how to manage your feelings when you're in such a situation.

Internet was down for almost a week, made so many phone calls my phone bill is through the roof. It was finally fixed today and it was a sigh of relief. It was annoying not being able to download all your favourite series, and have the same people complaining to you day in and day out about the internet. All you people know how to do is complain and nag. I don't see you try to help. And when it's fixed, I don't even get a thank you. How selfish and self-centered can you people be?

It's the fourth week of lectures and it's coming to an end soon. As usual, have yet to start studying when there are so many crazy things around me that have yet to be done. Promised myself I will work triple hard this final semester if I passed all subjects in the last semester, and I will honour that promise. Mum, I will make you proud.

Prom is coming soon and although nothing has been finalised, I'm still uninspired by what I'm going to wear. Hope to find a nice, cheap long dress, but everything I've seen so far either doesn't suit me or is not to my liking. Am I being too picky? I hate to think so, but you really want to look your best for your final university prom. And it seems they want to have it earlier this year, which kinda ruins my plans. Oh well, things in life never go as you plan; you just have to deal with the curveballs and dive in head-on.

Period is late and my hormones are going crazy. Been moody for a few days especially having to deal with all the craziness. February has not been kind to me. I'm just gonna have to pray that March will be much better.



Monday, February 4, 2013


First day of class and everything turned out to be alright. Had classes in the morning - a briefing about Community Pharmacy Training, SPA interview and PRP stuff. Then had a brief class on GMP and Pharmacoepidemiology. Both boring as usual but I was too busy with my mobile data to pay attention. =P

This semester has 7 subjects, with the elective choice of Pharmacoeconomics and Alternative Medicine. Had my mind set on Alternative Medicine, but after hearing so many opinions on how difficult the subject is, I'm having doubts. Both will be killer subjects, it's just a matter of which one to die less.

Accompanied my friend to the bank, went shopping for groceries and had lunch. Then it was off to collect the dreaded results. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it would pound out of my chest. I had a very bad feeling but I forced myself not to think about it. As the guy handed me the results, I thought I would vomit. Then I flipped over the thin sheet of paper, and my heart fell to the ground.

All passed. Two Cs, but who cares. The two subjects I dreaded the most - both safe. Thank you God for hearing my prayers. I promise, this semester I will work extra hard. I will not let myself fall into the same position again.

Managed to get the internet fixed, so everything is finally looking better. Here's to the final semester of this course. God, please make it awesome.



Saturday, January 26, 2013


Was suppose to start on my Community Pharmacy Training report, but it's been idle for two days now as I camp endlessly in front of the computer replaying The Sims 3. Right now I just woke up and is waiting for time to pass before I head out to buy food. Been having insomnia for the past two nights, feeling tired but my brain won't let me sleep as it's continuously thinking and running weird thoughts in my head. And last night at 1a.m. it gave me this thought: to write a post about moisturisers.

So basically, a moisturiser is designed to moisturise your skin, as in giving in water and hydrating it. Every skin type needs some amount of moisture, yes even oily skin. Because your skin does not have enough moisture, it starts to secrete oil, or sebum, to act in place. Dry skin needs even more moisture, and since they can't secrete oil, your skin starts to flake and eventually peel off with the lack of moisture.

I have combination skin, which means my T-zone is hopelessly oily while the two sides of my cheeks are dry. I have used quite a few ranges of moisturises, from low-range to mid-range. So I will write about the few that I've used based on my own opinion, but do bear in mind that what's suitable for me but not be suitable for you as everyone's skin is different.

1. ZA Deep Hydrating Gel

You can easily get this at any Watsons or Guardian stores. They sell at RM37.90 if I'm not mistaken, but you can get it at a cheaper price during sales or discounts. This can be used as a normal moisturiser or sleeping mask, but I prefer to use it as the latter as it feels a bit oily after applying. For this price, it's considered rather okay; one drawback is that my face feels oily after awhile, maybe because I apply a really thick layer. But since I go to sleep after that, it's still okay. But I wouldn't use it during the day though. An oily face makes me feel disgusted. =.=

2. Nature Republic Aloe Vera Soothing Gel

My current favourite love! And it's bloody cheap too, only RM32.90 for a whooping 300ml! Total bargain right! I didn't really know about this brand until quite recently. I've known about the many benefits of aloe vera since I was young, as my mum used to cut off aloe vera straight from the plant, wrap it with plastic and put it in the fridge, then apply it directly on my face. =.= Nonetheless, that wasn't a very pleasant experience as it smelled weird and it was damn sticky. But this product totally isn't! According to the label, it's better to put it in the fridge and used chilled, and the cooling effect is a really nice feeling. Because of its huge volume, I use it every night as a sleeping mask before heading to bed. It absorbs really fast and after awhile you don't feel anything at all. So big love love love! You can also use it for your body, your hair (yes, hair too, but my hair is already on too much products so no thank you), after shave, and even before putting on make up. Go to their website and read about it, it has so many benefits I would need another post to list it all!

3. LANEÍGE Water Sleeping Pack

I don't think any introduction is necessary, right? This is one of the most famous products from this brand, and there's a reason it's constantly sold out. As the name states, this is a sleeping pack, so you only use it before going to sleep. Only a small amount is needed, and the effects are really great. You wake up with smooth skin in the morning and you can really feel the difference. It's priced at RM110 and you can get them from LANEÍGE counters at Parksons or any other major shopping mall. For it's price, it's a tad expensive, but because I don't go shopping that often, I usually buy it online from a really nice seller who gets her stock from Singapore, so it's slightly cheaper compared to counter prices. You don't need to use it every day, about 2 to 3 times a week is sufficient, so even though it's only 80ml, it can last you quite a long time. It comes in a very pretty box with a scoop, but I don't like to use it as it's troublesome. Just wash your hands before dipping your fingers into the bottle and it should be fine. Since I don't share my skin care products (ewwwww!), I don't mind using my fingers to apply it on my face. If you haven't tried it, I highly recommend you to.

4. Clinique Moisture Surge

Again, one of the mid-range products that's priced at over RM100. I'm not sure how much it costs at counters, but I got mine from the same LANEÍGE seller and already it costs RM110 for 50ml. I think there's a bigger size which is a limited edition, but I'm not very sure as I saw it a very long time ago. =.= But there's a reason it's so expensive: it's really awesome! You can use it both as a normal moisturiser and as a sleeping mask. I've tried both and you can really feel the difference. As mentioned earlier, I don't like products that make my face feel oily after applying, but this one totally doesn't. Just apply a thin layer and it's absorbed almost immediately. And the best part: you don't feel a thing! It's really hydrating and has a very faint smell that's not overpowering. Due to its price, I wouldn't recommend using it every day, but because only a small amount is needed each time, it can last a few months too. Mine finished a long time ago but I have yet to stock up, partly due to it's price and because I want to try other products too. But don't get me wrong, I will definitely repurchase it. After I work, perhaps? =P

So these are the four moisturisers I have personally used, and some brief comments on my opinions. You can try it for yourself with testers or asking for samples to find out which is your favourite and which suits your skin the best. Hada Labo is another brand I would like to try, but right now I'm on the lookout for a moisturising toner, probably from The Face Shop or Skinfood.

Might post about perfumes sometime, if I'm free or bored. Now, to freshen up and out to get food!


Thursday, January 17, 2013


Been home for about two weeks now, currently busy with my Community Pharmacy training which has to total up to 72 hours. Already finished 40 hours, which is 5 days since I'm working 8 hours a day. The boss went on vacation, so I'm getting 4 days off before continuing next Monday.

Not really doing much, just sitting behind the counter minding my own business. Sometimes customers will come and ask me for medication, if I know where it is I'll take it for them, if not I'll pass it to the boss' daughter to handle. She's very knowledgeable, always counseling customers on what to eat, how to eat, etc. One thing is that she doesn't like me very much, although I have no idea why. She doesn't talk to me much, and when she does it's usually only one or two sentences. And she has a very bad attitude towards me. Which makes me dislike her too. Hey, I'm here to learn from your father, not to see your face.

Have yet to start writing my daily log and reports, feeling so lazy as I camp in front of my computer everyday gaming. Finished Dishonored which was awesome, currently trying to finish Assassin's Creed 3. Damn you mission, Y U so hard?!

Anyways will be heading back to the awful place on 3rd February, as much as I hate it, I really hope it will be my final semester. Praying hard every night before I head to bed to pass all subjects and having no need to retake any papers. Please God, grant me my wish.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013



It's the beginning of a new year, the first blank page of another 365 page book. Write everyday well and make it an awesome one.

Happy New Year!

P/S: Having to cram notes on new year is not a good feeling. 3 more papers to go, 4 days to home.
