
Monday, April 30, 2012

Goodbye April

Just came back from a simple gathering with old friends, had fun laughing and chatting while reminiscing about old times. I really miss some of these old friends, whom I can talk to freely without worrying about what to say and what to hold back. These are the true friends that accept me for who I am and will never try to define or judge me. Although we don't see and talk to each other that often anymore, these are still the people that I will always cherish and remember for the rest of my life.

So prom pictures are pretty much all over Facebook now, had a great time browsing through them while stalking. Was mostly interested in their dresses and shoes, but overall everyone looked amazing and glamorous. Was kinda surprised that photos from our batch have yet to be uploaded, those that are circulating at the moment are all from juniors and seniors.

But did manage to have a look at what those bitches wore to the event, in my opinion they looked nice - but not very striking. But still, I don't wanna judge anyone since I didn't see them in person. But most of all, I was really surprised at her outfit. I really don't get it - she's so pretty in person, yet she's always making amateur fashion mistakes. First year, she wore a dress that looked like she just came from the beach; Second year, she wore a dress that was almost similar to mine the year before, but had weird matching colours of black and beige; Third year, her dress finally looks decent, but her hair was tied up in a bun that made her look way beyond her age. I was like, WTF?!

He looked nice and different, since he wore a grey vest this year with black blazer. What I didn't understand was the red tie - but I didn't say anything since I thought it wasn't necessary. We're back to the part where we're not speaking to each other at the moment; ever since we came back from my birthday celebration on Friday, I feel sick talking to him - yeah, the guy who claimed he joined our karaoke session just because of me, yet sat there for 5 hours Whatsapp-ing another girl straight in my face.

So April is finally coming to an end, as we welcome May. A new month for new beginnings. Things are gonna be better. *I hope*

Goodbye April. You have been amazing.


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